




Women's health nurse practitioner discussing treatment options with patient
Women's health nurse practitioner referencing test results with patient
Women's health nurse practitioner with a DNP smiling with clipboard in clinic


认证CCNE认证, 获高等教育委员会认可
通路目前拥有副学士学位(RN到MSN)或学士学位(BSN到MSN)的注册护士的独特途径, BSN转DNP)
格式100% online coursework with h和s-on clinical practicum experience
临床We pledge your clinical placement; total clinical practicum hours vary by program
认证Prepare for the WHNP-BC exam 从 the National 认证 Corporation
快速通道转移信用, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 和自适应学习技术,为学生更快地接受高等教育搭建了一条通道
豁免报名费 类 start September 4th


Discover your potential


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By selecting this button you agree to receive updates 和 alerts 从 Herzing大学. 文本HELP到85109寻求帮助,文本STOP到85109结束. 味精 & 数据速率可能适用. 通过选择加入, 我授权Herzing大学发送短信,我明白我不需要选择加入作为入学条件. By leaving this box unchecked you will not be opted in for SMS mess年龄s. 点击阅读 条款与条件隐私政策.

你的 clinical placement is our pledge.

软件下载知道,作为WHNP幸运28计划的一部分,确保临床实习是学生面临的最大问题之一. Herzing在, 软件下载通过逐步的临床指导流程提供指导和支持,以确保您能够获得所需的临床实践经验.

作为赫哲的学生, 软件下载鼓励你找到自己的导师和临床场所,因为这样做有很多好处. 然而, we provide extensive support should you find difficulty along the way. 和Herzing在一起,你就是 从来没有 独自一人.

Because of our strong relationships with healthcare providers across the U.S. 以及软件下载全面的临床指导流程, we are confident in our ability to help you find clinical placement. So much so that if you are unable to find a clinical site 独自一人, 软件下载保证介入并帮助你获得临床实习.*

* Subject to terms 和 conditions outlined in the enrollment documents.

U.S. 新闻 & 2024年世界最佳在线护理研究生课程报告

排名 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 2024年最好的研究生护理幸运28计划之一.


master's degree 和 Doctor of 护理 Practice (DNP) program in nursing at Herzing大学 麦迪逊 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 赫京大学被批准通过与麦迪逊主校区合作,以在线学习方式提供课程, 威斯康辛州.

Herzing大学 is institutionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org)是美国认可的地区性认证机构.S. Department of Education.

查看所有 Herzing大学的认证和批准.

认证 & 识别

软件下载的认证 & recognized online school

We strive to earn rank as one of the top private, nonprofit universities in the United States. Just as you work every day to become the best version of yourself, so do we as a university.


Scholarship Opportunity

You may be eligible for the 浙江大学护士成就圈奖学金.

Eligibility requirements include a minimum GPA earned in your undergraduate nursing program, 在整个MSN幸运28计划中保持最低GPA.



学费 & 成本

学费 & 成本

软件下载的目标是 your career advancement. 这就是为什么软件下载一直在努力改进软件下载的课程和流程,使软件下载的护士执业幸运28计划尽可能负担得起,同时为你的工作成功做好最好的准备.

Overall cost can be reduced through transfer credit 从 prior college coursework, scholarships 和 grants贷款VA 和 military benefits, 和 several additional options for financial aid.

With Herzing大学, 你从不孤单, 软件下载提供很多选择来帮助你投资自己, earn your master’s degree in nursing 和 become a leader in nursing.

  • 成功之路

    软件下载的许多在线课程都提供继续学习的途径, 让你从一个角度移动, such as an associate degree, to a bachelor’s degree, 攻读硕士学位.

  • Flexible 和 Convenient

    在舒适的家中获得学位. 没有规定你必须上网的时间. You can log into your virtual classroom when it’s convenient for you.

  • Personalized Attention


  • 在线 和/or On-校园

    Get the best of both worlds. 软件下载的一些学位课程是专门在线提供的,有些课程是校园和在线课程的结合.

I don’t have a nursing degree. 我从哪里开始呢??

如果你已经获得了非护理学士学位, there are two potential educational pathways in nursing we’ve designed with you in mind:

  • Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program. Our on-campus ABSN program, available at select Herzing campuses, 允许你在短短20个月内获得护理学学士学位(BSN)(大多数学生在24个月内完成).
  • MSN Direct Entry program. 从软件下载的在线直接进入MSN计划开始,开始朝着护理学硕士(MSN)的方向努力. 你可以在短短20个月内毕业.

If you have not yet earned an undergraduate degree in any major, you will need to first earn an Associate of Science in 护理 (ASN) or BSN.

一旦你获得了本科护理学位, 你就有资格注册MSN, post master’s certificate, 或BSN到DNP计划与WHNP专业化.


常见 问题

2018 NPWH Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Workforce Demographics 和 Compensation Survey highlights several environments in which WHNPs practice, including:

  • Private practice offices
  • Community health centers
  • Hospital-based clinics
  • Academic medical centers
  • 学校和学院
  • Correctional facilities
  • 住院的设置
  • 病人的家庭

WHNPs may work in urban, 郊区, 或者农村地区, 和 may also potentially provide telehealth services (remote care).

具体的实践范围因州和雇主而异. 美国执业护士协会(AANP)提供了一个 简短的总结 所有执业护士共同的执业范围.

You may have some initial questions about what a WHNP can 和 can’t do. For instance, can WHNP…

  • 写处方? 是的,执业护士可以开处方.
  • 见男性患者? 是的, some WHNPs may treat men. WHNPs are educationally prepared to care for individuals inclusive of sex, 性别, 或者性取向.
  • 接生? No, only midwives or obstetricians (Obstetrics 和 Gynecology - OBGYN) can deliver babies.
  • 产前护理? 是的, WHNP can provide pregnancy testing, fertility evaluation, prenatal visits, 和 postpartum care. 
  • 他被称为“妇产科”执业护士? 如果一些妇产科护士的护理主要幸运28计划在怀孕,他们可能被非正式地视为妇产科护士, 分娩, 以及产后时期. 然而, no WHNP has the same scope of practice as an OBGYN physician (or nurse midwife).
  • 做乳房x光检查? No. WHNP可以安排乳房x光检查,但他们不进行实际检查.


妇女保健执业护士是高级执业注册护士(APRN),为妇女提供从青春期到成年的全面护理. WHNPs concentrate their care on gynecologic, obstetric, sexual, 和 reproductive health. 

的y provide care both individually 和 collaboratively as members of a healthcare team. WHNPs可以咨询额外的医疗保健专业人员,了解非妇科疾病(及其治疗)如何影响生殖健康和性健康.

Learn more about general WHNP roles 和 responsibilities.

根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics在美国,护士从业人员的平均工资为 $128,490 每年($61.78 每小时). Pay depends on many factors, including your location, what healthcare institution you work for 和 your level of experience.*

发现 aver年龄 nurse practitioner salary by state 和 find out what nurse practitioners make on aver年龄 near you. Salaries can vary between specialties, 和 the BLS does not provide a specific estimate for WHNP.

根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics在美国,护士从业人员的工作岗位预计将增长50% 45%2022-2032.*鉴于婴儿潮人口的预计增长,对先进医疗保健的需求预计会增加, 护士从业人员将继续作为主要贡献者在这一水平的医疗保健.

WHNP和注册护士助产士(CNM)都是高级执业护士,为妇女发挥专门作用, 但它们在实践范围上有独特的侧重点.

妇女保健护士从业人员专门为妇女提供终身初级保健, 而助产士则更专注于怀孕, 分娩, 和 the postpartum period. 助产士可以接生婴儿,但WHNP不能.

Each has their own unique certification 和 educational requirements, 以及薪资潜力的差异.

Learn more about the primary WHNP和注册助产士的区别.

的 goal is to fully prepare you for success in your work as a WHNP. 临床作为WHNP专业课程的一部分完成,以最好地建立在教学课程中学到的概念,并立即将您的学习应用到现实生活中,直接在指定的临床场所对患者进行护理.

WHNP幸运28计划的每个学生在完成高级健康评估后都要参加临床能力考试, Advanced Pathophysiology, 和 Advanced Pharmacology. 这确保了在进入WHNP专业临床课程之前具有强大的基础知识.

整个课程都有基准和评估,以帮助确保你走在正确的轨道上. We work closely with every student to help them fully prepare for success as a WHNP. 您将有机会与其他妇女保健提供者一起学习和工作,以获得实际生活中的知识和经验,为您进入自己的实践做好准备.

是的, an FNP is educated 和 trained to work with all types of patients across the lifespan, 所以他们有可能为女性提供医疗保健. 

然而, FNP课程包括成人主题, 老年, 和 pediatric care which may not be as relevant for those focused on women’s health only. FNP课程包括妇女保健, 但软件下载的WHNP课程在此基础上进行了极大的扩展,为您在WHNP认证考试和第一份WHNP工作中取得成功提供了更大的准备.

的 National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health’s Guidelines for Practice 和 Education outline a large list of WHNP competencies across several important categories:

  • 以客户为中心的护理
  • 初级护理
  • Women’s gynecologic, sexual, reproductive, menopause-transition, 和 post-menopause healthcare
  • 男性性和生殖保健
  • 产科护理
  • 专业的作用

根据 2018 NPWH Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Workforce Demographics 和 Compensation Survey, the significant majority of WHNP describe direct patient care as their primary role (84%).

Some WHNP may work in academia, man年龄ment/administration, research, or health policy/advocacy. 

然而, 目前,不同类型的WHNP没有单独的认证:只有主WHNP- bc认证 国家认证公司.


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.


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