

What is the Difference Between an FNP and a PMHNP?

这些学位承担着不同的责任,最终会导致不同的职业道路. 以下是你应该知道的FNPs和PMHNPs之间的关键区别.

Many nurses looking to elevate their careers decide to pursue a 理学硕士 in Nursing (MSN) degree, 这让他们有机会获得领导角色,并帮助填补对高级执业护士的需求. 她们可以成为护士教育者、管理人员或护士从业人员,以及其他许多角色.

对更多msn培训护士的需求已得到充分证明 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicting a 45% growth rate for nurse practitioners from 2022-2032.* For individuals seeking to become a nurse practitioner, 赫京大学提供多个硕士学位, including 家庭执业护士(FNP) and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).

虽然这两种职业之间有很多相似之处,但它们并不相同. 这些学位承担着不同的责任,最终会导致不同的职业道路. 以下是你应该知道的FNPs和PMHNPs的主要区别:

1. 责任

FNPs 在病人的整个生命周期提供护理,他们可以在各种专业工作. Some of the FNP的主要职责 may include prescribing medications, 排序和执行测试, developing care plans and performing physical exams. While they take care of the patient’s physical health, FNPs might also handle some aspects of mental health. fnp可以提供有限的护理计划,甚至开一些药物, but they are limited in their scope for mental health care. FNPs将与为患者提供长期心理健康治疗和心理治疗的其他保健专业人员合作.

与FNPs一样,PMHNPs将为来自非洲的患者提供护理和治疗 pediatrics to geriatrics, 但他们的专长在于治疗和提高对心理健康状况的认识. PMHNPs will prescribe medication, 治疗和/或治疗心理健康状况,如焦虑, depression, 药物滥用, dementia 还有很多其他情况. 与FNP不同,pmhnp可以提供长期治疗和心理治疗.

2. 工作环境

FNPs work in traditional healthcare settings such as physician’s offices, hospitals, outpatient care centers and sometimes schools and universities. They are valuable to medical practices, 公共和私人, since they can work with a diverse patient demographic.

PMHNPs可以在传统医疗机构工作,但他们的实践也可以将他们带到其他环境. pmhnp可能在监狱工作, 除了医院和医生办公室之外,还有社区诊所和精神健康诊所. 在Herzing, PMHNPs还接受了额外的培训,为他们在农业领域不断发展的角色做好准备 telehealth so they can provide remote patient care, 这是必要的,因为许多美国人无法亲自拜访精神卫生保健提供者.

3. Education

Careers as an FNP and PMHNP both require an MSN degree. 在Herzing,这两个幸运28计划都是 accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and are offered with 100% online coursework. Clinical hours are required for both degree programs, however, Herzing有一个顾问团队,致力于帮助学生确保他们的导师和临床实习,这是软件下载临床实习承诺的一部分. 临床经验是这两个幸运28计划的关键组成部分,因为它们使学生能够实践实践 skills needed to become a nurse practitioner.

Herzing offers several pathways to earning an FNP degree.

A BSN转FNP程序 可在短短20个月内完成已持有 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). For RNs without a BSN, Herzing offers an RN to MSN-FNP pathway, which can be completed in as little as 24 months. 希望在使用MSN之前获得BSN的个人应该权衡从RN到BSN再到MSN的好处,看看这对他们来说是否是一个好的选择.

Once you’ve completed an FNP program, 你需要获得你想要工作的州的许可证. Licensing requirements vary from state to state, 所以一定要研究一下你所在州所需的认证.

Herzing的PMHNP幸运28计划和路径与FNP学位的完成时间大致相同. For RNs who already have a BSN, the BSN to PMHNP pathway can be completed in as little as 24 months. The RN转MSN-PMHNP 路径规划, which is designed for RNs with an associate degree, can be completed in as few as 24 months.

在完成PMHNP幸运28计划后,毕业生将有资格参加 American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) 认证考试,并成为委员会认证精神病学心理健康执业护士(PMHNP-BC).


如果你确定获得你的MSN是你的下一步, but you’re not sure which degree is the best fit, here are some final points to consider:

  • 如果你有兴趣为经常被误解的病人发声,并提高人们对鲜为人知的健康问题的认识, being a PMHNP might be right for you. 每天都不一样, 你将与可能经历身体和精神健康问题的病人一起工作. A passion for mental health is a plus.
  • 如果你有兴趣在一个有更广泛选择的领域工作, you might consider getting your FNP. You will work hands-on with patients, often as a primary source of care, 为他们提供全面, quality care for all of their needs. You could choose a specific specialty, and you’ll also have options to choose your unique career path.

这两个职业都有很高的回报,并有助于满足医疗保健行业的需求. You can make a difference by earning your degree today!

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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